Sunday, September 1, 2013

Getting Back to Normal After a Hip Replacement

For almost two years I had trouble with my left hip. I first noticed it hurt to bend down to get the golf ball out of the hole. I found myself relying more and more on the opposite hip. Then the right one began to get sore as well. One day I had to kneel down on the green to pick the ball out of the hole and my friends commented on it. I finally decided to see my doctor. He ordered x-rays taken of both hips and informed me that my left hip should be replaced.

I had the operation and went home to recuperate. The physiotherapist explained to me how important it was to follow the exercise routine outlined in a pamphlet she gave me.

When you have a hip replacement it is imperative not to bend your hip joint more than ninety degrees. Otherwise the ball may jump out of the joint and you will need to go back to the hospital and have it reset. A dislocated hip is not a nice situation to be in. to get ready to use the toilet you should get a seat extender and to put on your socks and shoes you will need some help and you cannot bend the joint that far. Putting your pants on takes the use of a hand gripper. This gadget gives the ability to pick up things like under shorts, socks and anything that falls on the floor.

I found a wonderful gadget for pulling on my socks at a health gadget store. It is a simple flat piece of plastic with a length of tape attached. You simply place the sock on it, toss it on the floor and pull the sock on your foot. Simple and easy.

After a few weeks when your staples are out and the healing is well on the way you should be walking as often as you are able. Walking is great exercise and helps the body heal easily. Everything works when you walk. I always claim that it is the jiggling that gives all of the inner parts of our bodies a good workout. Just like a bowl of jelly.

One by one you will find you will give up the walker for the cane and then the cane itself.. Then you will be able to put on your own socks and pants without the gripper. You will gain confidence with unassisted walking.

What I found to be the slowest part of the recovery was sleeping on the side with the new hip. As I tried I kept the picture of the titanium ball joint stuck into the hip bone for some reason. I kept thinking it would come loose and I would be required to go back into the hospital to have it replaced. It has been seven months now since I had mine done and I am 95% convinced that it will stay together.

I wish you luck with your return to normal after having your hip replaced.

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