Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mouth Guard Teeth Grinding Info That Has Bite

There is an avalanche of mouth guard teeth grinding cure info available online. Most of it is disseminated by affiliate marketers who are hoping to grab a quick buck without giving any real service or quality information to those who have a legitimate need for dental night guards for teeth grinding (bruxism) issues. Or for those who have a specific TMJ night guard requirement. Very rarely do you have an actual TMJ dentist giving you his professional opinion, which opinion has been formed after many years of actual practical bruxism (or TMJ) experience.

Some Context
Some quick context before we talk about some specifics revolving around the mouth guard teeth grinding points that will comprise the bulk of this article.

One of the reasons teeth grinding or bruxism is so common is due to a TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder or problem. That is what is meant by the acronym TMJ. Indeed, TMJ symptoms are very serious. It should also be noted that the term TMJDs also refers to temporomandibular joint and the related muscle disorders. However, the more commonly known term is usually "TMJ." TMJ is a very painful and often restrictive health problem -- and it's fairly common as well. With TMJ patients, most are advised by their dentist to use custom mouth guards or a specific dental night guard with certain properties.

Even if you don't have a TMJ problem, using a dental night guard for grinding teeth is advised only after you talk to a dentist. While there are good custom mouth guards on the market, you should err on the side of caution by talking to your dentist first if you suspect your problem is especially problematic.

As you can hopefully surmise, a mouth guard is not the kind of product where one should arbitrarily use it without semblance of thoughtful consideration. Unless you are grinding your teeth during the night or if you have a specific TMJ issue, you should not use a mouth guard.

Treating teeth grinding can be resolved by way of a mouth guard. Also, TMJ symptoms can be resolved by using a good, quality dental night guard as well. But first, consider the problem. Self-diagnosis has its limitations. If money is an issue in seeing a dentist, then if you do decide upon a mouth guard for teeth grinding, then make sure there is an unimpeachable money-back guarantee. A 100% money-back guarantee is highly desirable.

First, though, consider the options out there.

Mouth Guard Teeth Grinding -- Things You Can Do to Help Resolve the Problem
With TMJ or bruxism treatments, there are some things you can do in addition to a mouth guard. Again, and sorry to be redundant, you should see a teeth grinding or bruxism or TMJ dentist to help you accordingly. You might need a good professional diagnosis so as to maximize your efforts to resolve the tooth grinding. Those treatments and proactive things you can do include:

  1. Jaw muscle exercises designed to strengthen the areas causing characteristic TMJ jaw popping, clicking and/or jaw pain, ear pain, headaches, etc. This is only relevant IF they accompany a teeth grinding problem.

  2. What to avoid, e.g., needlessly clenching the teeth, chewing gum, chewing on a pencil, biting lips or fingernails, etc. Doing these things or a combination thereof can cause or make the problem worse.

  3. Check your diet. Teeth grinding can be symptomatic of a parasite infestation in your colon or intestinal tract. According to Dr. Oz, 90 percent of people have some kind of parasite. He's not the only doctor who thinks so. Perhaps a good colon cleanse is needed as well. With a dental mouth guard and a colon cleanse, that may be all you need to resolve this problem.

Making money online is a primary undercurrent of the Internet. It's not inherently evil -- not at all. As long as a spirit of win/win truly pervades the transaction, it is fine. Just be aware of who is recommending something. I would much rather buy a mouth guard for teeth grinding recommended by a professional TMJ specialist dentist than a marketer. Self-diagnosis has its limits.

A good mouth guard can help your teeth grinding, but don't arbitrarily get one. Tread wisely. It's strongly advised that you get a night guard recommendation from an actual TMJ or bruxism dentist, from someone who has long experience therewith.

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