Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Elbow Joint Pain - Causes and Treatments

Elbow joint pain is a very common complaint among people of all ages. There are many different possible causes when it comes to elbow joint pain. The source of the pain may not even be at the elbow. Simple movements like turning your hand, using a pen, or bending and straitening your arm can cause shooting pain or a dull ache. With so many different things that could cause this pain (and different names to go with them), its good to be knowledgeable about the possible diagnoses so that you will be able to give the doctor all the information that you can.

The most common source of elbow joint pain is known as tennis elbow. This is when the outer tendon becomes inflamed from overuse of the lower arm, such as when you hit a ball with a tennis racket. The twisting motion can irritate the tendon, causing you pain. Though it is called tennis elbow, such elbow joint pain is not always caused by tennis, as many athletes know. With the constant motion required for sports using the upper body, the possibility of having elbow joint pain increases and it is very important that precautions are taken.

Golfer's elbow is a name given to elbow joint pain that is located in the inside of the arm. It is called "golfer's elbow" because of the tendons and muscles used to swing a golf club. This form of elbow joint pain is not only found in golfers; it can be caused by many different things, from awkwardly lifting a bag to a repetitive motion you may do at work or home. Usually, the pain will gradually come on and continue to get worse until it is treated.

Trigger finger may have a funny name, but it can be anything but funny. Pain in the joints of the finger is caused by inflamed tendons that are pulled through little tunnels in the hand. When the tendon becomes too inflamed, it can become difficult for the tendon to move through the tunnels. The small tunnels may also become inflamed, making it difficult for the tendon to pass through. When you have trigger finger, you may hear a small pop when the tendon finally pushes through. This can also cause the finger to lock in place for a moment. This causes the pain in the joints.

Nursemaid's elbow is called such because it mostly happens to children under the age of five, and is usually caused by someone taller than them holding them tightly by the hand or arm as the child falls or jerks away. It also happens quite often when adults lift the child by the arms or swings them by their hands. This movement can pull the joint just enough to cause a partial dislocation. The child may start crying immediately, or only when they use the arm or have it held by someone else. They may hold it close to their body, or not use the arm at all. If you suspect your child may have nursemaid's elbow, it is very important that you call your pediatrician immediately to get it fixed.

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