Thursday, November 21, 2013

TMJ Exercise - Simple Ways to Alleviate Your TMJ Pain

TMJ exercises offer simple ways to alleviate your TMJ pain. Using these exercises on a daily basis can help to relax the jaw and lessen the pressure that is felt in the joint.

The condition of TMJ often results from daily habits that put extra stress on the jaw, use the jaw in such a way that the jaw shifts to one side, or tightens the jaw muscle. TMJ exercises that help the person reduce these habits may contribute significantly to the reduction of many TMJ symptoms, and they can alleviate your TMJ pain.

One reason why jaw alignment and TMJ develop is weak muscles which affect how the patient opens their mouth; weak muscles cause the jaw to deviate to one side, and over time this side becomes overworked and overused. The patient is then unable to open his mouth straight, leading to further TMJ symptoms. Exercises that teach the patient how to open their jaw correctly may remedy this problem significantly.

The list of TMJ exercises below are simple ways to reduce your TMJ pain; these exercises can be done in your own home without any instruction, and are designed to help relax the jaw muscles and increase movement in these joints:

1. First, place two fingers on the lower teeth, then slowly open the mouth as wide as possible while pressing down on your lower teeth. Repeat this process ten times, be sure that the jaw movements are slow and gentle.

2. Stand in front of a mirror and attempt to open your mouth straight. Watch closely to see how the jaw moves, notice whether the jaw opens to one side. Then close your mouth, and try to open it again, but this time keep the jaw straight without allowing it to move to the side. Repeat this exercise ten times in a row.

3. Cup your chin with palm of either hand, and apply gentle pressure upwards while attempting to open the mouth. Repeat this exercise ten times.

4. Gently close your teeth together with the tongue rested behind the front teeth and against the roof of your mouth. Next, move the tip of your tongue along the roof of the mouth so that it is touching the soft palate. Then gently and slowly attempt to open your mouth while still keeping the tip of the tongue touching the soft palate.

One important thing to note: if you have severe TMJ symptoms, it is always a good idea to consult with a doctor in order to determine the best treatment plan. These exercises may be helpful to relieving the pain, but there may be other treatments to consider as well.

The above TMJ exercises will increase mobility and flexibility in the joint, as well as both strengthen (and in turn help to relax) the jaw muscles. If done daily and correctly, these TMJ exercises can greatly alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ, and contribute the the healing of this disorder.

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