Monday, September 9, 2013

Remedies For TMJ - Shocking Tips For Immediate TMJ Relief

TMJ (or temporomandibular joint disorder) causes tremendous pain as the cartilage in the lower jaw becomes displaced and causes pressure on the nerves. For some looking for remedies for TMJ, it can change your life. Sometimes, only baby food can be eaten because the pain is so great. For others, who have found remedies for TMJ, the symptoms of the disease are almost non-existent. So how can you find remedies for TMJ? Below are 2 tips to help in your quest.

One important tmj remedy is changing your diet. Would you believe there are over 50 foods that can cause almost immediate TMJ pain relief. Additionally, there are 14 foods you should never eat if you are looking for a remedy for TMJ. One thing you should never eat if you have TMJ is caffeine. Caffeine causes you to subconsciously clench your jaw, leading to more TMJ pain.

So what should you eat if you are looking for remedies for TMJ. Well one of the top 50 foods is calcium. Calcium is said to help relax the muscles making it a great remedy for TMJ. Calcium can be found in most dairy products or as a supplement if your lactose intolerant.

In addition to diet, there is one thing you can do at the time of a TMJ spasm to reduce the pain. When you feel TMJ pain coming on grab a warm washcloth and place it over the point where you are feeling pain. This will immediately soothe your TMJ and is one of many great remedies for TMJ.

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