Thursday, September 19, 2013

4 Frequently Asked Questions About a Clicking Jaw

FAQ 1. What is clicking jaw?

Every once in a while, a dentist receives a patient complaining of a clicking sound in their jaw. While some of these patients have just recently discovered that they have this condition, others have been patiently dealing with (or ignoring) the popping sound for more than ten years, or even longer for a few people.

To put it simply, a clicking jaw is a condition where a sound is repeatedly produced every time one opens his jaw. This condition is sometimes used interchangeably with TMJ, but they are two different concepts. TMJ will be discussed at the latter part of the article.

Experts agree that clicking jaw may be an indication of serious health problems, and that they come with other symptoms such as headache, neck pain, and jaw pain one side. But if this condition is not caused by any health problems, it can be caused by any of the following: a person's habit of clenching his teeth (which is called bruxism), eating food items that are too hard, using the teeth to bite hard things, or an injury.

FAQ 2. Should you be worried if you have a clicking jaw?

Dentists say that the popping sound is normal, especially if it happens only occasionally. However, one is advised to seek the expertise of a professional if the sound is too annoying to bear, if it gives discomfort and unbearable pain, or if it comes with other symptoms.

FAQ 3. How can you treat this condition?

Depending on the causes and gravity of the condition, there are several methods that a specialist can do to help get rid of the popping sound. One of the methods is called resurfacing, wherein some parts of contacting teeth are shaved to make sure that they are aligned properly. Another technique involves the simple avoidance of chewing on hard candy, gum, and other food items.

FAQ 4. What is TMJ?

Many people equate TMJ with jaw disorders, but they actually mean TMJD or TMD, short for temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ is the joint that connects the skull and the lower jaw. Furthermore, TMJD is a condition that has a wide scope, and it includes clicking jaw. In other words, TMD is the disease and clicking jaw is just one of its symptoms.

There are several ways to treat TMJD, and one of these methods is through TMJ exercises. One of these exercises involves putting your tongue at the upper palate, opening your mouth wide, and breathing for about 2 seconds. This exercise can be repeated up to 10 times everyday.

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