Saturday, August 17, 2013

Joint Pain Causes

Some people may experience mild joint pain from minor injury; however, the pain can often by subsided simply by resting. That being said, there are others who have joint pain for various reasons such as infections, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory conditions and degenerative diseases.

Injury-related joint pain:

Chronic joint pain can be due to a traumatic injury in the past. Some people may even experience continuous joint pain because of an injury for the rest of their lives. Some injuries that can cause pain in the joints are:

Severe bruising
Dislocation or separation of a joint
Sprain of a ligament
Overuse of the joint or repetitive movement of a certain joint
Tearing of ligaments or cartilage

These can all be related to some sort of sports injury, but this is not necessarily the case, as other non sport related injuries may also cause severe joint pain.

Infectious cause of joint pain:

Many people who experience joint pain may also have an infectious disease that causes their pain. These can include diseases such as:

Hepatitis - an inflammation of the liver
Influenza - This can include common flu or other viruses such as H1N1
Lyme disease - an inflammatory disease that is caused by tick bites
Measles - a contagious illness, that is easily spread and caused by a virus
Mumps - a contagious disease that will cause an inflammation of the salivary glands
Osteomyelitis - a chronic and severe bone infection
Rubella (German measles) - a contagious infection which is characterized by a rash on the skin
Septic or infectious arthritis - an inflammation of a joint caused by a bacterial infection
Syphilis - an sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Treponema Pallidum

Joint Pain Causes

Degenerative, inflammatory and autoimmune-related joint pain:

Certain degenerative, inflammatory and autoimmune conditions may cause severe joint pain. The people who have the following conditions will normally experience chronic and severe joint pain. These conditions include:

Ankylosing spondylitis - an inflammation of joints that are between the spinal bones and between the spine and pelvis

Bursitis - an inflammation of the bursa which is the fluid-filled sack found between the tendon and the bone. This condition may be acute, but can also be chronic

Fibromyalgia - a chronic condition that causes pain, rigidity, and tenderness in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues.

Gout - a kind of arthritis caused by a uric acid build-up in the joints. Two types of gout exist: acute gout, which often affects one joint; and chronic gout which is repeated episodes of pain and inflammation in more than one joint

Osteoarthritis - The most common joint disorder that has symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the joints

Psoriasis - is a skin condition that normally causes skin redness and irritation but is also known to cause joint pain

Rheumatic fever - an inflammatory disease that could develop after being infected with bacteria such as strep throat and scarlet fever.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the joints as well as the tissues surrounding it

Sjogren Syndrome - an autoimmune disorder that often accompanies other autoimmune disorder like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It is characterized by dry eyes and mouth but can also cause joint pain

Systemic Lupus erythematosus - a chronic autoimmune disorder that can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, as well as other organs

Tendinitis - characterized by the swelling and irritation of tendons which joins the muscle to the bone. Tendon degeneration will often be present with tendinitis.

Other Joint Pain Causes:

There are also a few other causes that are not part of the above categories, these are:

Bone cancer
Paget's disease

As you can see, there are many different causes of pain. Sometimes, the actual cause can be hard to pin-point resulting in untreated joint pain. Although it is important to continue testing with a doctor to find the exact cause, there are some supplements, such as Flexcin, that can be taken in the meantime. These supplements will help ease the pain and in some cases make it go away completely.

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